No more waiting for:

“worthy if…”
”worthy when…”
“worthy once…”

You don’t have to wait to be needed before you can honor your own needs.

Let’s Name What We’re Up Against…

We live in a Culture of Not Enough-ness, where we are susceptible and socialized to believe that being loved (or loving ourselves) means going above and beyond to prove we deserve it. 

So we spend a lot of time living from the shoulders up, tracking how the people we hold in a positive regard might define success, might need us to show up for them, might perceive us if we don’t live up to those expectations.

In all of the noise of our cultural conditioning and other people’s perceptions, we can come to fear that if we go for what we really want– if we honor our voice, if we honor our capacity–that it will compromise our sense of connection and positive regard.

And so, we lose track of what we really want and desire.

I believe there is another way, with no shrinking, minimizing, or accommodating required.

Learn about Allison’s Coherence Method

I coach clients out of the swirling stories in their minds, and back into their bodies.

By growing your somatic (body) literacy and becoming more fluent with noticing the feedback of your body, you can attune to your truth - your limits, desires, and needs. From here, you can begin to discern when you are honoring your worth versus when you are trying to prove it.

I want you to become so grounded in your life that honoring your capacity, trusting yourself, making decisions aligned to your needs and values, and experiencing more balance becomes your default.

And as we grow your nervous system’s capacity to integrate your learnings and take brave action, you will begin to grow the self-trust and the deeper knowing that you’ve always been worthy of love and belonging, and you no longer need to overextend yourself to make it so.

Client Testimonials

Hear about Sharifa’s Experience

Hear about Alix’s Experience

“In the 6 months of coaching with Allison, I found myself really getting to the core of areas in my professional and personal life that I had been stuck in inaction. Allison provided an open, non-judgmental environment that allowed me to be vulnerable and clear up a lot of mental clutter. I left each session with a clear action plan and felt empowered to show up as my true self in all areas of my life.” — Alyson E.

Client Testimonial

"I feel whole. My energy isn't split and I am more grounded within myself. 

The somatic practices Allison shares helped me build a more intimate relationship with my body and I love that I have these tools at my disposal forever so that I can regulate my nervous system when things feel out of control.  

The results go incredibly deep and affect every area of my life because they showed me how to show up for myself and align my energy so that I can show up in the ways I wish to for the world."  - Jerrelle G.

Allison McManis, Life Coach for Over-Achievers

Are you interested in working together?

Here’s how we can get started:

  1. Go ahead and book your complimentary, no-strings-attached Clarity Call here.

  2. Fill out the quick questionnaire included in the sign-up form above. This helps you reflect on what you’d most like support with and helps me approach our call with a little more context and a clearer sense for how I can best support you.

  3. You’ll get a confirmation email containing a calendar invite with a Zoom link included.

  4. We’ll meet! We’ll figure out if we’ve got chemistry and are a good fit for each other. (If I don’t think I’ve got what you need, I’ll tell you; and then I’ll try to refer you to other resources or another coach or consultant.) 

  5. Time to get started! We’ll schedule an onboarding call and dive in!

    Have questions? Please reach out. You can email me at

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